Sunday, September 19, 2010

Power of Revelation . . .

I need to journal about the amazing, sacred experience that I had with Daniel at General Conference last Spring (because in truth it's almost time for October General Conference--but I have never written down about this experience, and every time I think of it or share it, I think "I NEED to write this down.")

I have always LOVED General Conference (at least as long as I can remember from my adult years). And, the kids and I have always sat and watched it together. Since I can remember, I have taken notes at Conference and had little post cards that I could write down those things I felt most impressed about and hang up those impressions/notes in a place I could see them and remember them.

I've always invited my children to also write down their thoughts and impressions. I have always believed, as taught by President J. Reuben Clark, in a famous address given to seminary and institute instructors in 1938:

“The youth of the Church are hungry for things of the Spirit; they are eager to learn the gospel, and they want it straight, undiluted. They want to know about the fundamentals I have just set out—about our beliefs; they want to gain testimonies of their truth. They are not now doubters but inquirers, seekers after truth.

Sister Lant confirmed what President Clark said when she spoke of children in May 2010:

“Even young children can understand and accept things of an eternal nature. They love the scriptures, and  they love the prophet. They intuitively want to be good.  It is up to us to help them keep that connection to heaven open.”

This is so true and was evidenced to me at General Conference in April, 2010.

Of course I had the cute conference packets printed and ready for Abby (10) and Daniel (6) to draw and color in--the cute bingo games; the ties on the apostles to color; the word searches to complete.

But I am so grateful that President Clark's words were in my heart and that I told my kids that before they could color in their activity books, they needed to write down at least one thing they learned from each speaker. . . Daniel can write now, but even before he could write, he could color what he felt and learned--children can draw or color their feelings, with sometimes as much vividness and meaning as written words!

And . . . my sweet, precious, in-tune son wrote the following on his white notepaper before he went on to color in more ties and play more bingo. And I saw the hand of the Lord, the Spirit,--my son's HEAVENLY Father-- teach and instruct and inspire His little six-year-old son.

Here is the message that so touched my mother heart and comforted me and reaffirmed that my Heavenly Father is watching over me and my children. You see, there is no priesthood holder in my home right now. No father to guide and direct and prepare his son for the sacred ordinance and calling of the priesthood. Yet,  the Father guides His children. Daniel wrote several things, but the words he wrote during President Eyring's talk are what touched me most:

  “To protect and love and watch over children and to do duty to God in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. This is what men should do.”
President Eyring
I talked with Daniel after, and I told him that the message he learned from President Eyring came from his Heavenly Father and that He wanted Daniel to know understand that the teachings my son learned from President Eyring are the power and purposes of the priesthood. I testified to my son that Heavenly Father is preparing him to receive the priesthood of God and that He would teach him how to use that priesthood as a father.

I have framed Daniel's special notes, and I keep them out where our family can seem them and where they can serve as a reminder to me of the great knowledge, mercy, and attention of our Father in Heaven to me and to all his children; and where they can remind my son of the power and importance of the priesthood and his future role as a father.

How eternally grateful I am for the blessing and influence of the Spirit.

Do our children hunger for the things of the Spirit? YES! Can even a child learn from General Conference? YES! Will the Lord teach and instruct and inspire ALL of His children? YES!

Are we preparing our children, even those who may be too young to write letters . . . to feel of the Spirit and be taught by their Father in Heaven?!

I can't wait for the wonderful opportunity of the General Conference--just two weeks away! And I pray that my children, that all children, will come with open ready hearts to be inspired and instructed of the Lord!

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